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the new generation of clean diesel

All About HVO


HVO (Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil) is an organic diesel fuel produced from 100% renewable sources, such as animal fats, crop residues, grass, wood and even algae.

It is virtually identical to mineral diesel, but has almost none of the disadvantages. HVO does not contain sulfur or aromatics, which means that it burns cleaner, with less pollutants and less soot particles.

HVO is 100% compatible with regular diesel. It can be stored and used like regular diesel and does not require any changes to the fuel system, engine components or storage facilities. There is no paperwork, and no additional permits are required.

Almost all diesel engine manufacturers support and promote the use of HVO in their products. HVO is a drop-in fuel: it can be mixed with traditional diesel in any ratio.

HVO is a next-generation fuel, responsibly sourced and produced in state-of-the-art facilities, which means that it already has an extremely low carbon footprint. If used at 100%, HVO can reduce GHG emissions from diesel use by up to 94%.

HVO is the most flexible green strategy: it can can be gradually added to existing fuel stocks and scaled up to match the ESG budget.



H stands for either Hydrogenated (sometimes Hydrotreated), two different processes used to make products like fats, oils and even margarine. The basic principles are the same: hydrogen gas, heat and high pressure are used to change fats and oils into diesel fuel.



V stands for Vegetable, but HVO can be produced from many other organic sources such as animal fats, crop residues, grass, wood and even algae. The newest generation organic fuels will soon be produced from seaweed, tailored bacteria and yeast as well.



O stands for oil as in "diesel oil", but depending on the process, many other types of fuels (even plastics) can be created with this method as well.


Green Flash
The Perfect ESG solution
Brief explainer that outlines how you can use HVO to reduce the carbon footprint of your business.
Green Flash
HVO for Airlines
Carbon-Zero ground handling, on-site carbon offsets and more.
Green Flash
HVO Explainer
An in-depth explanation of the chemistry of HVO for non-adacemics


How expensive is HVO?
The global price for HVO fluctuates, just like regular oil prices do. HVO prices are linked (indexed) to the price of regular diesel. As a rule of thumb, HVO costs more than regular diesel. It is important to keep in mind that for many non-transportation companies, fuel cost is only a minor part of the operational expenses (far less than personnel or equipment rental, for example). Also: in many enterprises, the additional cost of green fuel will be covered by the ESG budget and will not affect the operational budget directly.
Why would I switch to a more expensive fuel?
Simply put: we all need to take immediate action on climate control and air quality, and that will cost money, one way or another. But there is perhaps a more compelling reason: as a business, you just cannot stay behind. Increasingly, global supply chains demand to see concrete ESG measures from their members. The general public demands to see action as well and it is only a matter of time before government regulators will, too. Doing nothing is no longer just bad for the planet – it is bad for business as well.
Where does the HVO come from?
We source our HVO from certified European manufacturers who have production plants all over the world. For obvious (carbon-footprint) reasons, we source our HVO as close to the destination as possible. Our HVO is not made from palm oil.
Is HVO safe?
Yes. HVO has been around for a long time (ironically, HVO was invented 50 years before the diesel engine was invented in 1897). It has been extensively tested in every possible circumstance (including long storage, wide temperature ranges and extreme humidity) and is now fully endorsed by virtually every diesel engine manufacturer.
What does drop-in mean?
It means you can use HVO just like any regular diesel fuel, and even mix it in any ratio without any precautions, measures, equipment change or paperwork. Just drop it into the tank and start your engine.
How do I store my HVO on site?
There are a few ways. We can deliver the HVO to your existing storage facility (remember it is a drop-in fuel). We can deliver the HVO in so-called IBC tanks (1,000 liter), which can have its own pump, if required. Larger volumes can be delivered in full-sized ISO containers as well.
Does HVO produce less CO2?
No. HVO is still an oil-type fuel and burning it will produce CO2, just like regular diesel. However, the carbon in the HVO comes from plants and biomass, and not from crude oil. As such, HVO does not add any new carbon into the atmosphere and is therefore (almost) carbon-neutral.
Why can I only get 94% instead of 100% carbon reduction?
Producing HVO requires transportation of raw materials, storage and other processes that require energy. In spite of the manufacturer’s efforts to make the process as green as possible, not all energy needed can be generated with carbon-neutral methods. Think of a local farmer using his gas-powered scooter to deliver his green waste to the processing plant. However, Green Flash offers the option to go 100% carbon neutral by purchasing carbon credits for the remaining percentage.
Can HVO be used for public road transport vehicles?
In most of the world: yes. In Taiwan: not yet. We are still working on getting HVO certified for road use and are optimistic that we will be able to effectuate the necessary change in regulation soon.
Do you have any documentation, test reports, etc.?
Do we ever. Between engineers and government officials, we have produced a veritable library of test reports and certifications. Feel free to contact us if you need more technical information.
I have heard of vegan HVO. Is that a joke?
Certainly not. Vegan HVO is available, but only in larger quantities, since these fuels obviously have to be stored and transported separately. They are also significantly more expensive than regular diesel. Note that our HVO is responsibly sourced and is not made from palm oil, for example.
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+886 3 588 4832
6F, No. 168 Sec. 2 Fuxing 3rd Road Zhubei City Taiwan 302